Emergency Planning Tabletop Exercise
Continuing operations is a fundamental requirement for any organization. Is Your Organization Prepared for an Unexpected Business Disruption?
Paradigm Solutions International can help your organization Test their preparedness through an Emergency Planning Tabletop Exercise.

What is a Tabletop Exercise?
A Tabletop Exercise involves the development and conduct of a time-phased, realistic disaster scenario that is presented to key Team Leaders and members of management at a client-selected site. The interactive session exposes the participants to problem solving techniques and recovery actions in a nonthreatening, low-stress environment.
Through participation in the exercise, team members will be better prepared to respond to an actual emergency and will be able to proactively address shortcomings in their individual plans and the program as a whole. Short of actually responding to real disaster, there is no better means of ensuring that recovery processes will perform as needed in an emergency.
Why Conduct a Tabletop Exercise?
On a daily basis, businesses face an ever-changing risk/threat environment that could lead to a compromise of operations and the company brand. Today’s savvy business leaders know that guarding against catastrophic events requires the development of a comprehensive preparedness

program that includes proven, tested incident response plans. The “best of breed” programs employ methods that leverage key resources in team-oriented, interactive problem solving sessions that broaden awareness of program essentials and flatten learning curves.
What are the Benefits?
Using a facilitated walk through of a threatening scenario, key business managers can cost-effectively involve staff members with high-level response and recovery techniques that are sure to improve the overall preparedness of the organization. As the term “exercise” indicates, such sessions strengthen preparedness by practicing incident response in a near-live environment.
Tabletop Exercises are a proven method of uncovering unforeseen circumstances and highlighting possible gaps in the current planning and potential deficiencies in the response team’s readiness to effectively address a challenging situation confronting the well-being of the organization. The sessions are custom tailored to the individual needs of the client and are intended to evaluate the viability of preparedness measures in place throughout the organization.
Where deficiencies are noted, plans for improving the team’s processes and response procedures are developed ensuring that the organization is prepared to sustain operations and protect the company’s brand when an unanticipated event – such as a large data breach of confidential information – occurs and threatens the well being of the company. A Tabletop Exercise structured to test the team’s readiness is consistent with industry best practices for Business Continuity Planning /Disaster Preparedness Program development.
What do the Simulated Disaster Scenarios Consist of?
The scenarios consist of a mock disaster that will challenge critical plan components and individual/global preparedness. For instance, a breach of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and/or Protected Health Information (PHI) represents a disaster of potentially grave proportion for any business which holds this type of information for its customers and employees.
For more information about Tabletop Exercise services please contact: Info@ParadigmSI.com or 8005589568, Ext. 300