How can one demonstrate a measurable return on investment (ROI) from the implementation of an continuity planning tool?
In the economic landscape of today, it is no news to anyone that we see companies that have been in business for generations closing their doors. Organizations that remain are forced to have leaner operations, coordinate just-in-time inventory levels and manage the highest levels of employee productivity; all to drive sustainable profit margins and positive cash flows for the stakeholders.
Even government agencies, especially at the local and state levels, are struggling with dwindling revenues from their private sector constituencies, facing increases in unfunded mandates, higher costs, lower budgets and cut-backs in services and operations. Needless to say, all spending is highly scrutinized no matter the industry or sector, and discretionary spending items are omitted from budgets without even a second thought.
This being the case, why would any organization choose during these critical times to implement a Business Continuity (BC) or Continuity of Operations (COOP) program?
Request our complete Whitepaper to learn more about demonstrating ROI from a continuity planning solution.