PSI Certified Professional will review organizational contingency preparedness to date and prioritize exposures based upon the mission critical nature of the business/service segments. A Plan Audit includes a gap analysis to compare preparedness measures to date against industry best practices. This step will include:
- Determine the status of current business continuity planning/program to date and the state of plan documentation.
- Review of all existing program and plan materials.
- Review plan approval process.
- Review linkages between disaster recovery plans and business unit operations.
- Review tool sets utilized by the Client for current planning efforts.
- Review Client mass notification capabilities.
- Review adequacy of resources in place for contingency planning
- Review testing and plan maintenance procedures in place.
The outcome will be a report prioritizing findings, recommendations, and mitigating action steps based upon the current preparedness of the Client in comparison to industry best practices and industry standards for documentation of plan and program provisions.
For more information about Plan Auditing services please contact:Info@ParadigmSI.com or 8005589568, Ext. 300