Your plans are built, but your business, clients and employees are ever changing. PSI professionals can maintain your plans on a quarterly, semi-annual, annual or as often as required. PSI will:
The continuum includes:
- Work with the Plan Administrator / Plan Coordinator in order to identify changes made within the organization that will have an effect on the structure of the Business Continuity Plan Recovery Team(s).
- Schedule and conduct team leader interviews in order to determine changes to business unit functions, information and telecommunication systems, recovery needs, staffing requirements, recovery resources, etc.
- Utilize information gathered during the team leader interview process for the purpose of updating/revising recovery procedures, tasks and team leader plan information.
- Work with Plan Administrator / Plan Coordinator to update plan information relative to changes associated with employee contact information, vendor contact information, hardware and software information, etc.
- Work with senior management to identify issues of exposure to loss and those not covered by the Business Continuity Plan. PSI will provide recommendations for addressing each of these issues.
These steps will ensure your plans are up to date and your organization is prepared in the event of a disruption.
For more information about Plan Maintenance/Support services please contact: Info@ParadigmSI.com or 8005589568, Ext. 300