Once the Business Impact Analysis and Risk Assessment are completed, you are ready to Develop plans. Our team will work closely with your team members to build plans that will enable your firm to continue operations in the event of a disruption. A PSI Certified Professional will develop a comprehensive business continuity plan for all business units within the organization. PSI will:
- Meet with senior management to confirm project goals and objectives.
- Determine responsibilities of key personnel.
- Interview department team leaders.
- Validate departmental needs.
- Develop customized recovery processes for each critical department.
- Provide guidance to the Client regarding third-party service providers.
- Delivery of draft comprehensive business continuity plan for review by the Client.
- Delivery of final comprehensive business continuity plan with all information documented.
The outcome is a comprehensive business continuity plan delivered in final form, and reviewed with Client Management
For more information about Plan Development services please contact: Info@ParadigmSI.com or 8005589568, Ext. 300