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The Next Pandemic?: The importance of the All-Hazards approach to planning
The Next Pandemic?: The importance of the All-Hazards approach to planning

Many organizations did not have a plan for the hazard potential of a worldwide COVID-19 pandemic which has shut down the economies and disrupted supply chains of nearly every country on the globe.  This has never happened like this before.  Who knows what the next unknown hazard will look like?


Achieve and Maintain Business Resiliency through proven Business Continuity Planning Solutions and trusted BCP Consulting Services.

5G, Edge Computing and BC/DR
5G, Edge Computing and BC/DR

Is your organization ready for 5G? While 5G and Edge computing may not dramatically affect your day-to-day consumer functions and business operations today, it most certainly will within a few years to come.

Ransomware and DR Strategies
Ransomware and DR Strategies

Is your organization prepared to defend against a Ransomware attack? What would happen if you no longer had access to your systems and data? Implementation of DR resiliency strategies using BC/DR tools can help you to thwart and mitigate the effects of this growing threat.

The Importance of Communications during a Crisis…Are you Ready?
The Importance of Communications during a Crisis…Are you Ready?

Communications can be one of the first readiness conditions that become degraded during a crisis event. Organizational resilience demands effective crisis communications strategies. What is your level of confidence that your organization can reach out to important stakeholders during a crisis situation?

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Business Resiliency
Through Automated Business
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Software Solutions

World Class Business Continuity Planning Solutions

Our leading Business Continuity Management Planning Software and Services solutions can optimize your Business Continuity/Disaster
Recovery/Continuity of Operations Planning Management Program.


Enterprise Software



About us

Paradigm Solutions International, Inc. (PSI) is a leading provider of world-class Business Continuity Management Software and Services for Business Continuity Management (BCM) Planning, Disaster Recovery (DR) and Continuity of Operations (COOP) software and professional consulting services to commercial enterprises and government organizations. “We are in business to keep you in business
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Paradigm Solutions International Team

Informational/Educational White Papers

Learn more about Business Continuity Management through our white papers.

  • Developing and Conducting an Effective Tabletop Exercise
  • Business Continuity Planning in a Nutshell
  • Crisis Management Planning

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Enhancing Organizational Emergency Responsiveness and Resiliency

We have three types of relationships designed to help you deliver value-added services, technical expertise, and higher levels of
satisfaction — all focused on your success:


Alliance Partners


Referral Partners


Consulting Partners