Are you truly confident that your organization is really prepared for a critical business disruption?

Let us conduct a Tabletop Exercise for your company from one of the following disruptive scenarios to test and help ensure your preparedness for that added assurance:
- Weather Emergency
- Breach of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or Protected Health Information (PHI)
- Active Shooter
- Flooding
- Loss of IT Infrastructure
- Malware Attack
- Fire
- Loss of Power
- Loss of Critical Records
- Pandemic Health Emergency
- Bioterrorism
- Loss of Personnel
- Chemical Spill
The Process:
The participants will be faced with changing circumstances throughout the exercise and will be asked to respond to challenges that affect their respective business unit and the overall organization. The scenario will require the participants to react based on information that is known at particular points in time. To further evaluate preparedness measures, the teams will be given various forms of ancillary information throughout the exercise that may change the direction of preconceived opinion and response.
The scenario will provide management with the opportunity to observe how the teams would likely react when presented with a disaster event.
The Deliverables:
An electronic copy of a manual will be developed that includes the following:
Section One: Engagement Summary – Describes the scope of the engagement and includes the actual scenario and a summary of findings.
Section Two: Methodology – Details the methods used by Paradigm Solutions International to conduct the engagement.
Section Three: Findings and Recommendations – Identifies the key points noted during the Exercise relative to the client’s state of preparedness and ability to effectively recover from a disruptive event. The report provides an explanation of the points examined, exposure(s) that may be present, and a recommendation for process improvement.
Section Four: Recommendations for Future Program Development – Offers recommendations for a path forward based upon the findings uncovered during the exercise.
Section Five: Supporting Documentation – Contains questionnaires completed by the participants after the exercise that highlight lessons learned and measures the perceived value of the exercise by the participants. The documentation also includes a sign-in sheet to verify the team members participating in the event.
Click here for more general information about Tabletop Exercises.
Where does your company stand when it comes to adopting effective Business Continuity Management practices? Do you understand your current BCM level of maturity and opportunities for improvement?
As an added bonus we’ll provide you with a Readiness Assessment Report highlighting your company’s current state of preparedness to address any type of business disruption, along with targeted recommendations for improving your organizations overall BCM maturity level.
Sign Up and Save:
Contact us for more detail and sign up before 04/30/2019 to take advantage of our limited time, low promotional pricing !!!
How to Contact Us:
To take advantage of this limited time opportunity, contact us immediately using any of the means below.
- Complete the contact form on this page
- Contact us via email at
- Call us at 800-558-9568 ext. 300